+603 4270 5578
Mon - Fri : 9:00 - 18:00

Advertising Planning and Strategies

Advertising Planning and Strategies

Laira Universe will offer its customers the best methods and tools in planning and implementing a successful Advertising campaign. Our campaigns will cut through the mumbo jumbo of mass marketing, increase sales, and enhance customer satisfaction with the company. Laira Universe advertising campaigns will grab clients immediately and drive home the right message to the right audience. We will exceed our customers' expectations for campaign returns. We have a professional team to provide PR, Advertising and promotion solution to our clients. To name a few of our services, we help our clients to:

  • Develop and deliver advertising strategies for the sales and marketing team.
  • Ensure that all advertising revenue streams are maximized
  • Achieve targeted revenues and yields by maximizing the revenue generated from existing as well as developing new advertising clients
  • Organizing seminars in Malaysia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Yemen to name a few countries; for spreading awareness about our clients’ products and services.

Your success is our success. So we exist as long as you succeed.


+603 4270 5578

+603 4270 5579

+603 4270 5590


B2-2, Block B, Dataran Palma

Jalan Selaman 1, 68000

Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Workign Time

Monday to Friday

9:00 Am - 18:00 Pm

Sunday : Closed

Mail ID